Slide 522
522(Only if named a candidate in 3b) Why do you intend to vote for this candidate?
Personal qualities (frankness, honesty, etc.) Close to/Liked by Putin Stands for restoring the system of social protection for workers and pensioners Can ensure order in the country better than others Stands for fair redistribution of wealth in the country, reducing income gaps Defends the interests of ethnic Russians There is no one else/no one better etc. Represents the political party/bloc which I support Supports strengthening the role of the state in the economy Stands for fast economic reforms and against state interference in the economy Resists the spreading influence and domination of the West

Slide title: (Only if named a candidate in 3b) Why do you intend to vote for this candidate?
Keywords: Personal qualities (frankness, honesty, etc.) Close to/Liked by Putin Stands for restoring the system of social protection for workers and pensioners Can ensure order in the country better than others Stands for fair redistribution of wealth in the country, reducing income gaps Defends the interests of ethnic Russians There is no one else/no one better etc. Represents the political party/bloc which I support Supports strengthening the role of the state in the economy Stands for fast economic reforms and against state interference in the economy Resists the spreading influence and domination of the West
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